Here's a quick laundry list of the words Louis likes to say:
Da-da (his first and most frequent word)
dog (or gog)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Summer 2010
We bought Louis a little swimming pool and he loves it, of course. Just splashes around and laughs. Can't wait to take him to mom and dad's to swim in a real, adult-sized pool. I've been terrible lately about blogging but hope to pick it back up.
Happy Summer everyone! Have a great day.
Happy Summer everyone! Have a great day.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Baby's First Birthday
Louis' first birthday is right around the corner and I'm so excited for it. I've decided on a baby barnyard theme with cow print table cloths, balloons and cake, lots of mini tractors and baby farm animals, and cow toy candies for the goodies. Here are the invites and thank you tags for the goodie bags.
We're having a pizza party and cake dinner for our family and friends at our house on Friday, April 9 -
Louis' First Birthday!
Spring-time walk
It's early March and the weather has finally warmed up enough and the sun stayed out long enough for Louis and I to enjoy our first walk of the year. It was short and we were still bundled up but it was fun nonetheless. Plus the fresh air was really great!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Afraid of the dark?
Louis seems to be fascinated with ceiling lights which has lead to the discovery of shadows and possibly Louis' first experience with fear. He seems afraid of shadows and maybe even the dark. I could just be reading into his interest into these things but I don't think so.......he's struggled to sleep the night through two nights this week and I hope it's not related to any fear. More to come....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Louis' new wagon
Yesterday evening Louis' cousins came to visit and brought him this Radio Flyer wagon. He loves it! We push him around the house in it with all of his stuffed animals tucked in around him for the ride. He even stands and kinda pushes it around - You have to watch him real close when he's doing this because before you know it he'll face plant.
Living Room Invasion
Louis has more toys than I ever remember having as a kid. They have taken over our living room. I think it may be time to invest in a toy chest for his bedroom.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Smooches and more!
Louis took Valentine's Day cupcakes to school on Friday for his teachers and the most adorable Valentine cards from the movie Cars to school for the kids in his class - they're all girls!!
He was covered in smooches and ready to get the heck out of there when we picked him up after work. Too much of a good thing I guess.
He was covered in smooches and ready to get the heck out of there when we picked him up after work. Too much of a good thing I guess.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hit in the face by a rocking chair, oh my!
While playing at school yesterday, a rocking chair knocked Louis in the face and gave him a small cut on the outer corner of his eye. Luckily his eye isn't bruised or swollen; it looks like a small red scratch. His dad keeps reminding me that Louis is actively crawling, pulling himself up on things and exploring his new world and is bound to get hurt. Boys will be boys, I guess. Problem is - I'm a girl and not a rough and tumble one so I find it difficult to shrug off these little bumps and bruises.
I can't help wanting to protect my baby! Would it be bad to cover him in bubble wrap and then send him out into the world? That way when he falls and runs into things we'll know by the crack/pop of the bubble wrap!
I can't help wanting to protect my baby! Would it be bad to cover him in bubble wrap and then send him out into the world? That way when he falls and runs into things we'll know by the crack/pop of the bubble wrap!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Louis got his first little bruise. Bummer, right? Now that he's crawling, he's into everything and just motors around everywhere. As the evening's dwindle on and he get's more tired, his agility lessens and he gets a little wobbly. Monday evening right before bedtime he was crawling towards me (probably to tell me he was tired and wanted held and rocked to sleep) as I stood at the sink washing bottles well he toppled over and bumped his forehead on the hard tile floor giving himself a little bruise.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Ready for table foods?
Louis has a healthy appetite. He eats anywhere from one to three jars of Gerber second foods for dinner. I've tried introducing the third foods which are slightly chunkier and are larger portions however he doesn't seem to like the texture. I'm a little puzzled as he eats lumpy oatmeal and is beginning to eat those melt in your mouth sweet potato puffs. I read somewhere recently that some kids perfer that the consistency of all the food be the same so where all lumpy oatmeal is okay smooth pureed third foods with a surprise lump every now and again turns kids off.
I think I just may try making him a sweet potato myself or a banana both of which I can easily smash up with a fork and see if he goes for it. Either way I'm sure he'll eventually come around.
I think I just may try making him a sweet potato myself or a banana both of which I can easily smash up with a fork and see if he goes for it. Either way I'm sure he'll eventually come around.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rub a dub-dub
Louis is soaking in the tub! Louis loves bath time. He'll play until the water gets cold. Even though he sits up on his own, I'm still using the infants tub because it makes it so much easier to lean him back to wash and rinse his hair without soap getting in his eyes.
It's great that he likes to play in the water because it gives us time to relax. We can sit on the bathroom floor while we watch him and look at a magazine, I paint my nails, or just take a moment to catch our breath while he entertains himself in the tub! This little crawler keeps us busy when he's not occupied in the bath, johnny jumper or exersaucer.
I remember the first time we bathed him at home and how hard he cried. Looking back on it, I probably didn't have the water warm enough because I was so nervous that we'd hurt him.
It's great that he likes to play in the water because it gives us time to relax. We can sit on the bathroom floor while we watch him and look at a magazine, I paint my nails, or just take a moment to catch our breath while he entertains himself in the tub! This little crawler keeps us busy when he's not occupied in the bath, johnny jumper or exersaucer.
I remember the first time we bathed him at home and how hard he cried. Looking back on it, I probably didn't have the water warm enough because I was so nervous that we'd hurt him.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My classroom
Here are three things from Louis' classroom - the Friendly Firefighters room - at school. The first is a painting he made with his hands which is hanging on his classroom wall. The second is his cubbie where we keep his clean clothes and blankets. The last picture is the birthday wall. All of the kids have a balloon with their name and birth date on it. Louis' is the yellow one in the upper left hand corner.
Go Friendly Firefighters!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Turning 1
Even though it's still January, I'm already thinking of cute themes for Louis' first birthday in April. His birthday is on Friday this year and I'm thinking a pizza/beer party for the adults and I want to get a cute little cake for him to smash....He loves Dora and Diego but those themes are so over done. But, on the other hand, there's lots of cute stuff out there to decorate with.
Maybe a Farmyard animal theme. That could be cute! A little barn cake or something. Anyway, I'm having fun planning already.
Maybe a Farmyard animal theme. That could be cute! A little barn cake or something. Anyway, I'm having fun planning already.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
This is a pic of me leaving the hospital with Louis for the first time. He was such a small bundle. I'm sitting in the wheelchair waiting for Matt and my dad to bring the car around and pick us up. It was a beautiful, bright, cool April Saturday. Louis cried the entire way down the elevator and in the lobby as we waited. As she waited with the nurse and I, my mom managed to capture this brief moment of tranquility. I'll forever be grateful for this photo.
Snuggle Buddy
Louis loves to snuggle. We had a long holiday weekend and I got to spend lots of time cuddling and rocking him as I put him to sleep. It's the most amazing feeling to hold that heavy, sleeping body and watch him breathe in and out so content and safe in dream land. He's also started doing this really funny thing of instead of cooing to let you know he's up, he kicks the walls of the crib so you hear this loud pounding throughout the house. I guess it's better than crying :)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Snow Day
Last week Louis' day care closed early one day so he got to come to work and play with mama! It was a fun afternoon. He crawled around and got to knock stuff off moms desk. He visited and played with the other girls in the office. It was nice having the little guy there.
Daddy time
In this pic Daddy is getting Louis out of his car seat and saying 'welcome home' after a long day at school. Louis is usually tired from playing with all the kids and is ready for dinner which means he's slightly cranky. Daddy always gets him out of his car seat and holds him while Louis adjust to being home. It so sweet. Louis couldn't have gotten a better papa.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Battling Pink Eye
Louis came home from daycare on Monday with some sort of eye infection. Luckily, the doctor called him in a prescription for eye drops which magically cleared them up in a matter of hours. Just a couple more days of the drops and he'll be back to 100%.
Here's a photo of his eyes on Monday when we got home. Looks bad, doesn't he?
Getting into everything
Now that Louis is crawling nothing is off limits. He get's into everything! Opens drawers, empties laundry baskets and trash cans, pulls everything off of the coffee table. You name it, he does it! I love watching him explore and go after new things. Most of our doors and outlets are already baby-proofed but I think it's time to get those baby gates up and get all the valuables put away.
9 mos check-up

Anyway, Louis is growing. He is 19 lbs. and 31 inches long. Tall and skinny but we've heard that before :) I took this pic with my camera phone while we were waiting for the doctor to come in.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
i'm 9 mos old
this weekend louis turned 9 mos old. he's doing so many things - crawling really well, starting to try and feed himself, putting himself to sleep in his bed. i am amazed at how quickly he's growing and how soon we'll be celebrating his first birthday. being a mom is truly an awesome job. i love it! and, i have a fantastic husband who supports me when i think it's time to try new things with louis. xoxo. feeling great about 2010.
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