Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Louis gives the biggest, wettest, sloppiest kisses ever. Not sure that he actually knows what he's doing yet but he laughs really hard and just holds his mouth open big and wide waiting for you to lean in and get your kiss.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stocking Stuffers

After work tonight Louis and I went to World Market to pick up stocking stuffers for his papa! We got several neat things which we're excited to give him. The best part of the trip though was being able to push Louis around in a shopping cart. Now that he sits up on his own, I can just pop him in the cart and go. While it doesn't look like it in this picture he's still pretty little and I had to stuff a blanket behind his back and really strap him in so that he stayed in place. However, he seemed to love it and I kept reminding myself to pay attention to what he was grabbing! I was so afraid he'd pull a shelf of glasses off or end up with some decorative holly berries in his mouth. We stayed safe and managed to get in and out in 30 minutes. Looking forward to a merry, merry christmas.