Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rub a dub-dub

Louis is soaking in the tub! Louis loves bath time. He'll play until the water gets cold. Even though he sits up on his own, I'm still using the infants tub because it makes it so much easier to lean him back to wash and rinse his hair without soap getting in his eyes.

It's great that he likes to play in the water because it gives us time to relax. We can sit on the bathroom floor while we watch him and look at a magazine, I paint my nails, or just take a moment to catch our breath while he entertains himself in the tub! This little crawler keeps us busy when he's not occupied in the bath, johnny jumper or exersaucer.

I remember the first time we bathed him at home and how hard he cried. Looking back on it, I probably didn't have the water warm enough because I was so nervous that we'd hurt him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

our lil peter pan